You can order grocery in a few ways: order home delivery at, use curbside pickup service, or order delivery through a 3rd party service instacart.

How to order Delivery Online

To order you need to go to and click Shop in menu (previously Log in HEB).

  1. Choose from categories: Fruit & Vegetables; Meat & Seafood; Bakery & Bread; Dairy & Eggs; Deli & Prepared Food; Pantry; Frozen Food; Beverages; Everyday Essentials; Health & Beauty; Home & Outdoors; Baby & Kids; Pets.
  2. Add the desired item to your shopping cart.
  3. In the next step you can choose «Curbside», click on choose pickup time:
    1. At the first step choose a free date.
    2. Then select free time and press Save.
  4. For home delivery, click Add new address. Enter the city, street, and suite.
  5. If you have an extra discount, then click Add promo code and write it. Then click Apply.
  6. Important! Online and in-store prices may vary. Your estimated total may change to reflect substitutions and final item weights.

    delivery online
  7. Click Start checkout.
  8. On the next page with more offers, click Continue.
  9. In the next step you need to Add a payment method to place order:
    • Add card (all major credit and debit cards).
    • Pay with EBT.
    • Pay with a gift card HEB.
  10. Click Place order to complete the order.

Order Items at HEB via Instacart

Go to to order through this service.

  1. Write your Zip code and click Shop at H-E-B.
  2. In the next step log in to the service.
  3. If this is your first registration, then you can get unlimited free shipping for 2 weeks (no extra charge).

  4. Choose products and add them to your cart.
  5. Click Go to Checkout. Then enter your shipping address, Payment, mobile number.
  6. After payment complete your order.

Important: You can take advantage of free prescription delivery. Call your pharmacy to order prescriptions from home.